创造数字资产 & 兼容的可访问性

Creating digital equity and compliant accessibility


数字公平有助于确保所有个人和社区都拥有充分参与社会所需的信息技术能力, 民主, 和经济. 与此同时, accessibility refers to the practice of ensuring that products, 服务, 信息, 而且技术的设计和实施方式允许所有个人以同样的方便和有效的方式访问和使用它们. It involves removing obstacles and providing accommodations to ensure inclusivity, 确保每个人, regardless of their situation or abilities, can participate fully and independently in our digital world.

可访问性 goes beyond mere compliance; it embodies the spirit of inclusivity. 每一天, individuals with disabilities encounter digital barriers, hindering their access to online 信息 and 服务. 作为用户倡导者, it is both our moral and professional duty to consider all users, ensuring they enjoy seamless and intuitive online experiences.


According to the World Health Organization, 15% of the world's population experiences disability, 这个数字预计还会上升. 仅在美国, around 25% of adults live with a disability, not accounting for situational limitations. Temporary and situational constraints can affect anyone; sudden injuries, slow or intermittent internet connections, or even noisy environments can create barriers to overcome. 了解这些常见情况的多样性和频率是理解可访问性影响和创造数字公平之路的重要第一步.

Diverse disabilities require diverse solutions, 幸运的是, regulatory frameworks exist to provide initial guidelines and best practices.

  • Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act (29 U.S.C. 794d)规定各机构应向残疾人提供平等获取电子信息和数据的机会, comparable to those without disabilities, 除非负担过重.

  • WCAG 2.1/2.2 outlines how to make web content more accessible to people with various disabilities, 包括视觉, 听觉, 物理, 演讲, 认知, 语言, 学习, 以及神经损伤.

Despite extant accessibility standards, many struggle to meet them. A 2023 analysis by WebAIM reveals that a staggering 96.3%的网站没有达到WCAG 2.0标准, with common failures including low-contrast text, 缺少图像的替代文本, 和空链接.

除了道德上的要求, companies miss out on opportunities when they overlook 15 to 25 percent of the population. 据世界卫生组织称,“由于人口趋势和慢性疾病的增加”,这一比例预计会上升. 事实上, “几乎每个人在人生的某个阶段都可能经历某种形式的残疾——暂时的或永久的。”, 可能会禁止或抑制执行和/或浏览基本基本数字任务的能力.

Laws exist to help users with disabilities, but accessible features enhance the experience for a broader audience, 为所有人带来好处.


Inclusive design fosters a more user-friendly and accommodating digital environment. 通过考虑不同的需求和能力,您可以为每个人创造更好的在线体验. Here are just some of the ways that prioritizing accessibility can improve your product

  • 成本效益: Proactive accessibility reduces rework costs, since inaccessible products will likely need to be redone to meet Section 508 standards

  • 用户满意度: Offering an easy and enjoyable experience fosters user loyalty

    • 哈瓦斯的“有意义的品牌”研究表明,客户更喜欢与他们的价值观一致的公司. Brands that prioritize accessibility generate higher Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

  • 人才保留: 吸引并留住多元化的员工队伍. 2021年CNBC/SurveyMonkey的一项劳动力调查显示,近80%的员工希望为重视多样性的公司工作, 公平与包容.

  • 创新: Drive industry-wide innovation through accessibility standards

  • 搜索引擎优化: 可访问性有助于搜索引擎算法更好地理解内容并提高可搜索性

  • 利润最大化: 无障碍设计改善了所有用户的体验,从而增加了收入和销售额

    • Tesco is a multinational grocery and general merchandise retailer, and according to data from Tesco PLC Annual Review, http://Tesco.com sales went from £52 million in 2000 to £235 million in 2001, after having built accessibility into all its online 服务

接纳数码无障碍服务,不仅有助缔造一个更包容和更方便用户使用的网上环境,也可带来一系列重要的优势. 在Moser,mg官方游戏中心理解可访问性的价值及其作为用户体验一部分的重要性. We use this knowledge to pursue the best solutions for reaching your business goals.


在莫泽, we know that the user’s experience directly impacts a product's success, from customer satisfaction and retention to brand image and market competitiveness. 


In many of the projects undertaken by Moser, mg官方游戏中心观察到一个明显的差距——缺乏关于视觉障碍患者如何使用应用程序的第一手知识. This included their interactions with screen readers, 盲文读者, and the challenges posed by inaccessible applications. 莫泽认识到这是一个弥合知识鸿沟的机会,并开始了与当地学校建立有意义的合作伙伴关系的使命.

这种战略合作旨在向Moser的领导层传授第一手知识和见解, 设计师, 开发人员, 产品负责人. 在这个合作过程中, Moser initiated a comprehensive usability research exercise, engaging directly with users who rely on accessible technologies. 通过这种努力, 深刻的理解出现了, 揭示应用程序对这些个人的实际影响,以及不可访问性可能对依赖它们的人造成的重大障碍.

这种伙伴关系不仅增进了Moser的理解,而且强调了其承诺,即确保其项目不仅具有功能性,而且具有真正的可访问性, thereby contributing to a more inclusive digital landscape.


Moser conducted a comprehensive accessibility assessment of a state court website, employing a multifaceted approach that encompassed automated testing, 手动检查, 用户访谈. 这种整体方法有助于对应用程序进行细致的评估.

Despite the website's initial shortcomings in both automated and manual assessments, it stood out that user complaints were few and far between, including from a visually impaired individual. 在进行用户访谈时, 随着时间的推移,这个特定的用户已经对系统有了复杂的理解,并设计了个性化的解决方案. 这一发现强调了构建精确查询和解读用户响应以确保应用程序真正可访问性的重要性.

In pursuit of enhancing accessibility for a broad spectrum of users, Moser fostered a collaborative partnership with the client to refine the website's design. Adhering to the principles of universal design and to WCAG and Section 508 guidelines, mg官方游戏中心设计了一个解决方案,不仅为用户简化了流程,而且还确保了开发的复杂性很低,这样就不会影响他们的预算.

保证网站开发后完全符合Section 508和WCAG标准, Moser conducted a secondary audit with both automated and manual testing, confirming the absence of any problems old or new.


Moser继承了一个饱受WCAG和Section 508遵从性问题困扰的应用程序. 为了打破这个循环, Moser mobilized scrum teams consisting of a product owner, 开发人员, scrum master, 质量保证, 设计人员要确保可访问性从概念化阶段到部署阶段无缝集成.

To guarantee accessibility, Moser implemented a range of effective strategies. 开发人员配备了新的工具,使他们能够对新开发的功能进行现场测试, enabling immediate identification and rectification of accessibility issues. A comprehensive QA suite was also introduced, 将可访问性评估作为质量保证过程的一个组成部分.

Moser还在设计阶段通过验证色彩对比度和遵循通用设计原则来优先考虑可访问性. 此外, Moser通过为员工提供机会来追求W3C和Section 508等知名组织的无障碍认证,从而培养了一种无障碍文化. 这种多方面的方法反映了Moser致力于消除无障碍障碍和促进更具包容性的数字环境.


Digital accessibility is not just a moral obligation; it's a strategic imperative. 通过拥抱包容性, 组织可以扩大他们的用户基础, 降低法律风险, 促进创新. Moser对可访问性的奉献体现了其创造一个容纳所有用户的数字世界的承诺, 不管他们的能力如何. It's time to unlock the power of accessibility for a brighter, more inclusive digital future. 选择Moser作为您的合作伙伴,为所有人创造易于访问和用户友好的数字体验.

访问 Moser可访问性审计 to learn more about 创造数字资产 & 兼容的可访问性.

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